Thursday 26 May 2011

Play and pleasure

Today, I was myself.

In the studio… D-AN and EW, two highly energised creative forces and me.

Music, Speech and Movement.

The heavy pulse of the bass fills the air as the dulcet tones of the voice glides effortlessly through space, nuanced logic building upon the artistic structure we freely created.

Movement derives from the response to sound. Turns, ripples, light flicks of the wrist, switches of the head, leaps unrestricted, breathing deeply.

The creative energy unleashed in the room knew no bounds.

Three people in an empty room create a force filled with the individual narrative brought together through happenstance.

In three short hours we all felt alive again.

Encouraged and re-invigorated by the mastery of each person, we become enthused.

We are original, adept and talented. And we know it.

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