Friday 28 May 2010

Here's a thought

I am going to blow my own trumpet for a change. I am a strong, resilient, dedicated, committed talented individual. I have in part had no choice to be anything other or less than what I am to still be in the dance sector after 20 odd years.

I trained against all the odds at the Ballet Rambert School in London. I have performed and taught for companies like Janet Smith and Dancers (google it!) Diversions Dance, Phoenix Dance Company, The Ensemble Group and others. I am one of the very lucky few whose job has taken me all over the world... I've have seen many things and worked with some great and inspiring choreographers. As is usual, I've also worked with some not so great people too. And that's life.. Some people are amazing... Some want to be amazing... Some just are random faces drowning in a sea of talent, wishing they were... Talented.

And yet it never ceases to amaze me when I come up against people who really aren't dedicated... Or resilient, or even determined. They claim to be... Or maybe its worse, maybe they think that they are...

I never quite know how to respond to them...

(My thoughts today are a little cryptic for a reason.. Naming people and negative situations is not the reason for this blog. I try to ensure I spend my time and energy being creative rather than falling into a pit of bemoaning self-pity!)

What is the best way to respond to those "artists" who would both stomp on the next person to serve selfish interests and waste time by being uncommitted?

What should you do?

I'd rather not spend time thinking about it myself! I got my creativity to think about... Check out the link for the solo I created.

It's just a thought.

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