Thursday 17 June 2010

My time at Chestetfield Station

I have a busy day today! I'm on my way to Nottingham as I have a meeting with Beverley Mason from Medar Psyden and Eva Martinez from the Southbank Centre about an dance event I'm currently curating. I'll tell you the details in due course. Suffice to say, it's going to be fantastic!

Having left Leeds station an hour previously, I find myself at Chesterfield Station waiting for my connecting train to Nottingham. It's a beautiful summer's day. I have the sun beating down on me almost clear blue skies overhead... The stillness of the air is magical as the heat of the sun hangs heavily on the odd wispy cloud here and there... There are several people on the platform, sitting or standing, waiting silently, patiently, for the next train... except...

Next to me is a gentleman who is absolutely determined to conduct his conversation by shouting to the top of his voice to a man on the opposite platform. His voice reminds me of the time I visited the Yorkshire Sculpture park where I witnessed first hand a huge tree falling on it's own just a mere few feet from where I was sat... The sudden and violent sound had a high shrill which chilled me to the core as I watched the tree explode into a thousand pieces and prayed that I wouldn't get caught up in the ensuing madness as both sheep and cow alike who were directly underneath the tree ran as fast as they could to safety not caring who or what was in front of them.

I'm only here for 10 minutes.. And right about now the minutes seem like months as his sharp shrill voice breaks the tranquilty of the hot day with breakneck speed..

The topic of his loud and unnecessary conversation? How Chesterfield Station is the best station in the whole world and... Skegness.

It's going to be a long 10 minutes...

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